The bunching incidence in this pay commission is very much on high side
For the reason
- The pay band stages of VI CPC at which the V CPC pay of employees were fixed at every Rs. 10/-. A gap of 10 rupees distinguished the stage of an employee in any given grade pay. Accordingly the net pay had the difference not leading to any grievance.
- But in this VII CPC all this pay band and grade pay on applying fitment formula are subsumed and the stages are arrived in the name of cell in vertically downward progression.
Thus the stages at every 10 rs in the existing pay when fitted in cell level of 500 to 5000/- in the revised pay naturally gets fitted in same for many.
There are incidence of more than 6 stages getting bunched
- The pay commission did not foresee this. It has therefore recommended as ever before .
- If at all bunching increment is to given for bunching increment a senior in the bunching sequences if 6 stages will have to be given 3 increment to alleviate bunching .
- But again he will b bunched to another in that cell with a different stage in the existing pay.
So this is an on going process and in order to mitigate the genuine grievance the difference in the basic pay of immediate senior to the top most in the bunching sequence and the revised pay of official concerned may please b given as' bunching pay ' as separate entity and not to b absorbed in the pay pay progression till such the effect of bunching vanishes in the event if any upgradation or promotion etc.
Like wise the others in the string of bunching should be given bunching pay in such a way that everyone is unique in the quantum of pay
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