- When we try to verify the account opening sometimes we will face the error-"The Enterer and the authorizer cannot be the same person" in DOP Finacle.
- The error screen shot for the above will be as shown in the below figure.
- In the above screen shot the error is clearly showing as mentioned in the above statement.
Root cause of the Above Problem:-
The above problem arises if the user has done mistake as per the below mentioned cases.
Case 1 :-
If the account is opened in the supervisor login then the above error occurs this can be inquired using the menu HAFI. for operating procedure of HAFI users may CLICK HERE
Case 2 :-
- If the account is opened in the counter PA but if the first funding is done in supervisor then the system will throw the same above mentioned error.
- This problem usually arises when the account is opened in the operator and the supervisor before verification of account might be invoked HTV menu.Hence the transaction will be posted and verified by the supervisor before verification of account.
- For example in our account(3321191297) also funding done by the supervisor which can inquired using the tran id in HACLI.
- Invoke the menu HACLI then enter the account number,remove start date and click on Go as shown in the below screen shot
- Then click on Go then the system will show the below screen shot as shown in the below figure
- In the next step click on the General ledger date as shown
- After clicking on the date then the system will open new window as shown in the below figure
From the above screen shot it is clear transaction entered,posted and verified by the supervisor hence the system will show above error while account verification.
Solution for the Above Problem:-
In order to solve the above problem follow the below steps as mentioned in the below procedure.
In the counter PA login invoke the menu modification before verification for the respective scheme, enter the account number and then just submit the transaction in the counter PA level.
For SB scheme use the menu CASBAOM.
For RD scheme use the menu CRDOAACM.
For NSC/KVP use the menu CSCOAACM.
For MIS/TD use the menu CMISAOPM.
For SCSS use the menu CSCAOPM.
2. In the next step use the supervisor login and then verify the account using the verification menu.
- Don't try to open accounts in the supervisor login as the supervisor role will not be linked to teller it may lead to difference in cash position.
- Also don't do any transactions in the supervisor login as the supervisor role will not be linked to teller it may lead to difference in cash position.
- Also if the transactions are done in the supervisor login sometimes there will be difference between LOT total and consolidation total amount.
- Also sometimes the transactions which are done in the supervisor login will not appear in LOT when we try to generate using MIS URL.
- Hen always for best practice use only counter PA login to perform the account openings and transactions in DOP Finacle.
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