No. CHQ/AIAIPSP/Misc-APS/2016 Dated: 19/07/2016
Shri S. K. Sinha,
Director General,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110 001.
Subject: Regarding allotment of PS Group B officers (APS personnel) to other circle.
Respected Sir,
IP/ASP Association wishes to bring to your kind notice that in accordance with DG Circular No.4, Army Postal Services is manned by 75% of staff recruited from the department of Posts on deputation. The period of deputation varies from 18 months to so long as services are required. These officials are recruited to APS from different Postal Division of the Circle. Their career progression is either through selection process/seniority basis or through competing in limited departmental examination against notified posts by that particular Circle. It is worth mentioning that IPs can seek transfer under Rule 38 of P&T Manual Vol IV while transfer is not allowed in the cadre of ASP, as this would create disparity in that circle.
Recently, a trend has started where the official who were on deputation to APS from one circle has submitted their willingness for allotment to other circle keeping in view their personal interests and taking benefit of DG Circular 4, whereas the intending Circle is neither their parent circle nor had they sought transfer under Rule 38 while remaining in IP/ASP cadre. Directorate has escaped their attention while allowing such allotments.
For instance, two officers of PS Group B cadre (parent circle Himachal Pradesh) were allotted to Punjab Circle without keeping in consideration that two PS Group B cadre officials of Punjab Circle already working in Haryana Circle are awaiting their repatriation to Punjab Circle. This has also adversely affected the interest of IP/ASPs of Punjab Circle, who are in line of consideration of promotion in near future.
This Association earnestly request your good office to examine and review the provisions of DG Circular 4 so that no one can be adversely affected for the sake of others.
Hoping for positive action and line in reply.
Yours sincerely,
(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary
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