Mode of payment of arrears of pay- 7th CPC – Revised Pay Rules, 2016:-
(Department of Expenditure)
New Delhi, the 25th July, 2016
14. Mode of payment of arrears of pay.—The arrears shall be paid during the Financial Year 2016-2017.
Explanation.- For the purpose of this rule, “arrears of pay” in relation to a Government servant, means the difference between-
(i) the aggregate of the pay and dearness allowance to which he is entitled on account of the revision of his pay under these rules for the period effective from the 1st day of January, 2016; and
(ii) the aggregate of the pay and dearness allowance to which he would have been entitled (whether such pay and dearness allowance had been received or not) for that period had his pay and allowances not been so revised.
1-5. 7th Pay Commission – Revised Pay Rules, 2016 - Title, commencement, definition and application of rules [Click to view]
6. Exercise of option - 7th CPC Revised Pay Rules, 2016 [click to view]
8. Fixation of pay of employees appointed by direct recruitment on or after 1st day of January, 2016. [click to view]
9. Increments in Pay Matrix. [click to view]
10. Date of next increment in revised pay structure. [click to view]
13. Fixation of pay on promotion on or after 1st day of January, 2016. [Click to view]
17. Interpretation
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