Directorate vide memo No. 9-9/2011-SPG dated 27.07.2016 has circulated draft gradation list of Inspector Posts cadre upto the year 2000 (corrected as on 1/4/2016) to all circles and directed to inform any discrepancies / inaccuracy therein by 12.8.2016. The officers who desire to make a representation if any against the incorrectness in the list may also submit to Directorate through proper channel on or before 12.8.2016. It is therefore requested to all concerned to check the data immediately and ensure its correctness.
Circle Secretaries and CHQ office bearers are requested to ensure submission of their circles report by 19.8.2016 to Directorate.
- CLICK HERE to view Gradation List upto the year 1991
- CLICK HERE to view Gradation List for the year 1992 and 1993
- CLICK HERE to view Gradation List for the year 1994 and 1995
- CLICK HERE to view Gradation List for the year 1996 and 1997
- CLICK HERE to view Gradation List for the year 1998, 1999 and 2000
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