Entry level salary more in Central govt: IIM-A study

Ahmedabad, Jul 4 (PTI) Government and Central Public Sector Undertakings (CPSUs) pay more salary for entry-level jobs compared to private companies, but the salary in private companies increases with experience, shows a study conducted by IIM-Ahmedabad for the 7th Pay Commission.

The study was commissioned by the 7th Central Pay Commission and IIM-A was asked to undertake it, so that the commission can revise pay in such a way that government jobs attract talent.

The study provides comparison of salaries in the government sector, CPSUs and private sectors at the entry, 3rd, 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th and 25th years of experience. It was submitted to the 7th Pay Commission in October last year.

It shows that across a majority of job roles, government or CPSUs pay more than private companies at entry-level.

For many jobs, the salary difference narrows and become more comparable and even exceeds for private jobs as employees gain experience.

The study looks at the salary patters of nurses, doctors, physiotherapists, dietitians, lab technicians, school teachers, principals of schools and colleges, scientists, technical staff, engineers, clerks, software developers, accounts officer, drivers, gardeners, among others.

"In many of the roles, government is paying higher salaries compared to the private sector, particularly in initial years, for jobs at the lower levels of skill requirement and hierarchy.

"Salary in government is relatively lower compared to the private sector, particularly in later years, for some highly skilled jobs," the study says.

Salary of entry-level nurses, for example, is more in government hospitals compared to private hospitals and becomes comparable only in the mid-career level.

In the case of doctors with MBBS, CPSUs pay more than government or private sector for entry-level doctors, with the differences continuing even after they have gained experience.

For specialised doctors, however, CPSUs pay more at entry level, but the salary of doctors in private hospitals increases significantly after three years and continues to do so, depending on their specialisation. .


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