On the eve of International Day of Yoga, June 20, 2016, the Indian Postal Department released a beautiful and attractive set of twelve commemorative postage stamps, six each in denominations of Rs.5 and Rs. 25, with different yoga poses of 'Surya Namaskar'. But, big question is if these stamps will ever be available to commoners mostly not going to select post offices where these may be available?
Series of commemorative stamps should be released in most commonly used denominations that too after rationalising postal-tariffs in multiples of rupees ten except in case of subsidised services like sponsored meghdoot post-cards, registered newspapers etc where tariff can be rupee one abolishing any tariffs in paises.
Ordinary mail can have a tariff of rupees ten per 50 gms or part with inland-letter cards and normal post cards largely misused for commercial purposes abolished. Surprisingly presently tariff for fast and reliable Speed Post is less than that of unreliable ordinary post at many slabs. Speed Post tariff should also be rationalised in multiples of rupees ten (inclusive of service-tax) commonly for local and non-local service at rupees 20 or 30 per 50 gms or part thereof. Stamps of definitive series in denominations of rupees ten may then not be printed ensuring commemorative stamps in this denomination to be freely available in all post-offices with print-order largely increased.
To popularise postal-services over private couriers and for enormous extra revenue-earnings, Postal Department should issue stamps with design/advertisements to be provided by sponsors by charging cost of advertisement for each printed stamp with pre-condition to purchase some minimum fixed percentage of total print-order.
Advertisers will then use their advertised stamps preferring postal-service in comparison to private courier service. It should not be some new decision because Department of Posts already prints advertisement from private parties on postal-stationery.
Miniature sheets should be priced higher than the total face-value of stamps in these to ensure these to be purely collectors' item. A representative of main opposition party should be traditionally included in the advisory body to decide on issue of new postal stamps to avoid any political bias in choosing personalities to be figured on postal-stamps.
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