Non Transmission of EMS Client messages in TXD Folder

Issues Noticed :
Messages in EMS Client TXD folder not transmitting. Due to this Speednet KPI falling down. When we open the Speednet Communication. It's going not responding state. Kindly guide in this regard to clear the problem. EMS Client folder here with attached for your examination.
The solution provided by CEPT for Non Transmission of EMS client messages in TXD folder.
Check the Error log reported in EMSClient/Logs folder, 
  • "Error while updating delivery status for SP-COD Articles - Could not open table '"ECounter"."dbo"."EVPArticlesReceived"' from OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB'. The provider could not support a row lookup position. The provider indicates that conflicts occurred with other properties or requirements.
  • Error while updating RTS status for SP-COD Articles - Could not open table '"ECounter"."dbo"."EVPArticlesReceived"' from OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB'. The provider could not support a row lookup position. The provider indicates that conflicts occurred with other properties or requirements."
The reported issue occurs due some of the default settings not set for linked server concept, which is required to fetch data related to SP-COD articles. 

Please do the following: 

1. Go to Providers option under Server Objects --> Linked Servers in the SQL Server Management Studio. 
2. Select the entry for 'SQLOLEDB' under Providers, right click and select 'Properties' option. 
3. Check the entry for 'AllowIn Process' option for the SQLOLEDB properties. Save the above and run Speednet Communication once again. The reported errors should not be coming again. 

For SQL version 2000, please do the following: 

  1. Open 'Enterprise Manager' and select 'Linked Servers' option under Security. 
  2. Right-click on 'Linked Servers' option and select new linked server option. 
  3. Select 'Other Data Sources' option under General tab. 
  4. Select provider name as 'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server' and click on 'Provider options' button. 
  5. Set the 'Allow InProcess' property to true, click on OK and exit enterprise manager.
Once the above configurations are done, please do the following and check: 
  • Download the attached zip file and unzip it. 
  • Run the script file POSPCC_CODStatus_Solution_03022015.exl using Meghdoot ScriptTool.exe after taking full backup of POSPCC and ECounter databases. 
  • Check the log file generated after execution of the script file for any errors. If any error is noticed in log file, then send the log file for analysing the issue under reference. 
  • Run the SpeedNet Communication and check the Error Log for any errors.
Shared by P Prabhu Kumar, System Administrator,
Palakol HO -534260.+91-8977040240.
Click below link to download the attached file


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