Implementation Of Action On Mc Camish Issues

Issues raised by Union
Many Policies appear in system admin queue even after disbursement is aid as there is no power to system admin then why there is system admin queue and for each such case CPC have to raise ticket.
No such case reported by CPC to CLST. However, the correct procedure for disbursement through system needs to be followed.
There is no provision to view the reports of BO’s of HO’s in McCamish due to which HO’s are unable to tally the Bo summary with McCamish
Action is taken by PLI Directorate
No deployments of posts have been done from the administrative offices to CPC’s whereas all the work relating to insurance have been delegated to operative office. All CPC’s are working without establishment from the strength of HO’s and adequate staff is also not deployed at CPC’s
Deployment of additional supervisory posts consequent to cadre restructuring of Group “C” will be examined.
Issues for which tickets are raised are not resolved a earliest, sometimes issues are resolved after 20 days
Escalation matrix has been provided to get the issue resolved within the time frame prescribed.
There are good number of APS policies which are not migrated to McCamish software
All the policies which were available in the database of Tamilnadu Circle have been migrated.
Out of 30 days of month reports are not accessible in almost 10-15 days at evening when the offices have tally their accounts. Sometimes offices have to kept the money out of account and tally the accounts on next day
Stability and availability of McCamish is being monitored and corrective action is being taken at the PLI Directorate Level.
There is no difference between PLI and RPLI policy numbers as far as new accepted policies concerned, so as to get the print outs in the relevant PD document
Nature of Policy can be selected in print Bond queue. However, this suggestion has been submitted to Directorate to include in the next releases.
Similar in case of AEA, GY, Children Policies, WLA, WLA etc., where in NIC it can be differentiated.
While indexing new RPLI proposals are counters, collection head is defaulted set as PLI and it is very difficult to refund the same if it is wrongly generated as PLU since for the said type of work as usual (i) folder is to be created (ii) ECMS work is too be completed (iii) Data Entry Work is to be done by giving irrelevant information- then only the same can be rejected at Quality Checker stage and it takes minimum 10 days to refund the amount
Premium collection and indexing should be done carefully. However, the time period of 10 days will get reduced with improvement in McCamish server.
In most of days, though entry has been made in data entry and submitted properly, the status of the said policy/proposal will show as “data entry reserved” only.
Issue has been currently resolved
If the address of the insurant is to be changed, letter only is generated but the same could not be viewed in policy document which is very essential.
Policy Document is Permanent Document and no correction in connection with address is permissible. This is in line with the industry practice.
Instructions have been issued to scan old PLI /RPLI documents for digitization with time frame.  High speed scanners are not available and it is not possible to scan with the existing scanner.
Proposal for funds have been taken up with PLI Directorate
Slowness in application, even collection could not be done properly
Issue has not been reported last 10 days
Request not moving forward from one stage to another and it take too much time to load
Issue has not been reported last 10 days
New Business Indexing could not be done.
Issue has not been reported last 10 days
CSV updates are in pending status from last four days.
Issue has not been reported last 10 days
ECMS correction stage error
Issue has not been reported last 10 days
Letter generation issue is there
Issue has not been reported last 10 days
Policy bond is not generated for the proposal request approved
Issue has not been reported last 10 days
Premium collected from 10/03/2016 is not posted to the consent policies
Issue has not been reported last 10 days
Many policies status is not changed
Issue has not been reported last 10 days
Multiple receipt has been generated for the same period for the same policies
Issue has not been reported last 10 days


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