!!! Full detail of kvp nsc issue w.e.f. 01/7/2016 !!!
1. Do you want to know how NSC and KVP will be issue after discontinuance of pre printed form ?
From 01 JULY 2016, KVP Certificates and NSCs can be issued for any amount above Rs. 1000 for KVP and Rs.100 for NSC in one transaction, provided the certificate is issued for an amount rounded off to the nearest 1000 for KVP and nearest 100 for NSC. One transaction of one (set of) investor(s) should result in only one certificate in e-mode or one entry in the passbook on one day. So issue of certificate need not be dependent on the availability of pre-printed certificate of the appropriate denomination.
2. What will happen with denominations and prefix/suffix ??
- New serial numbering of Kisan Vikas Patra
KVP2016Q2(DoP)(PIN Code)(Registration no.)
KVP2016 - Showing that the scheme code and Year of issue.
Q2 - showing that the quarter of Financial Year (in above case July to Sep 2016)
PIN Code - will showing that pincode of issuing post office
Reg No- will be automatically generated by the CBS Software ( Finacle ).
- New Serial No of NSC
5NS2016Q1(DoP)(PIN Code)(Registration no. )
5NS - Showing that the 5Year NSC and Year of issue.
Q2 - showing that the quarter of Financial Year (in above case July to Sep 2016)
PIN Code - will showing that pincode of issuing post office
Reg No- will be automatically generated by the CBS Software ( Finacle ).
Thanks to Ashutosh Kumar Kaushal
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