A meeting with Cabinet Secretary Sri. P. K. Sinha was held at Cabinet Secretariat Committee Room, Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi on 30.03.2016. 

All Members of empowered committee i.e. Secretaries of Various Departments were present in the meeting. Department of Post was represented by Sri. Ashutosh Tripathi, Member (Personal), Sri Shailendra Dashora, DDG (Estt) Ms. Manju Pandey, DDG (Personal) & Ms. Anju Nigam DDG (SR) from NFPE Com. R. N. Parashar, Secretary General NFPE & General Secretary P3, Com. Giriraj Singh, President NFPE & General Secretary, R3 & Com. R. Seethalakshmi, Dy. Secretary General, NFPE & General Secretary P4 from FNPO, Com. D. Theagrajan, Secretary General, FNPO & General Secretary R3, Com. T. N. Rahate, President FNPO & General Secretary P4 and from BPEF. Com. S. K. Sinha, General Secretary Postal Accounts Association participated. 

We presented our views in support of each and every demand submitted by NFPE & FNPO in memorandum to Pay Commission and Empowered Committee and implementation cell. We demanded upgraded scales for each cadre of Department. The meeting was held in a very congenial atmosphere. We may hope for the better.

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