DOP Finacle Will Not Generate Interest For Unverified Accounts
- When a SCSS account is modified it should be verified immediately otherwise the system will not generate the quarter interest for those unverified accounts in DOP Finacle.
- The procedure to find the unverified SCSS accounts after modification can be traced by using the menu HAFI.
- The step by step procedure is mentioned below
- Step by Step Procedure to find the unverified SCSS accounts after modification
Menu Shortcut - HAFI
- Then the system will show the below mentioned screen
- Then in the above screen enter the following details
Enter the SOL ID ___________________
Enter the filed Ref. No. " Give two blank spaces"
Enter the filed General Ledger Subhead code as "30020" for SCSS General , "30018" for SCSS Defence and "30019" for SCSS VRS.
Select the authorized as "Not authorized" as given in screen shoot.
- Then click on GO then the system will show the list of unverified accounts as mentioned in the below screen shot.
Solution for the above problem
1. If function Code is "M"
- If in the above screen shot if the function is "M" then it means that modification is done by the counter PA but verification is not done.
Care to be taken by the Supervisor
- In the supervisor login invoke the menu CSCAM and verify the accounts immediately.
2. If Function Code is "R"
- If in the above screen shot if the function is "R" then it means that Renewal is done (Extended) but not verified as shown in the figure.
Care to be taken by the Supervisor
- In the Supervisor invoke the menu HTDREN and verify the accounts immediately.
3. If Function Code is "Z"
- If in the above screen if the function is "Z" then it means that closure attempted by the user but not verified as mentioned in the below screen shot.
Care to be Taken by the Supervisor
- In the Supervisor login invoke the menu HCAACVTD and either cancel the closure or verify the closure according to the customer willingness.
Note :- For all TD/SCSS/MIS/SB/PPF accounts immediately after modification verification should be done by the supervisot otherwise system will not generate the ineterst as there are unverified records for those accounts hence verify all those accounts immediatley to overcome the non generation of interest by the system.
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