Active Directory Migration Guidelines
Before joining AD, Authorise all eMOs, log out all the users from Treasury, Speednet, eMO modules for avoiding login error due to server name change.
1) First enable the administrator for local computer
Right Click on Computer /My computer -> Click on Manage -> Expand Local Users & Groups -> Click on Users -> Check Administrator Account (Built in account) -> Status should be Enabled& set the password, if not set.
2) If it is a server, demote from AD. Remove AD and make it to workgroup
It is a PC,Unjoin from domain and make it to workgroup
3) Restart the PC and change the name as per naming procedure
WEGxxxxxDTxxx for pc,WEGxxxxxSRxxx for server WEGxxxxxLTxxx for laptop
4) Change the preferred DNS,
5) Now PCs/Servers/ Laptops are ready for Indiapost Domain migration. Use below domain user
User Name:testa1.user Password:Password@123
6) In run command type “lusrmgr.msc” Click groups / In MyComputer>Manage > Local Users and groups
Add India Post user eg 10035790 (provided by TCS) to administrator group.
7) Change Server IP or Server Name in
Counter Database – Environment table
Postman Database – Environment table
POSPCC Database – Environment table
Configuration file in all modules,Communications and Account MIS
Point of sale Supervisor, Change the treasury server name
Treasury supervisor, Change the Point of Sale Server name in environment
Make all modules to run as administrator (for windows 7)
8) Run command “services.msc”
Start the service 'Distributed Transaction Coordinator' (MSDTC) with start up type as 'Automatic' and Log On As 'Network Service'
9) Queries to be run for AD issues
Point Of Sale booked articles not fetching in Speed Net module SQL 2005/2008.
Run two queries in following sequence
First query
sp_configure 'show advanced options',1
Second Query
sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries',1
Right click on server name in SQL management studio->facets-> surface area configuration.
Set true to Ad hoc remote queries.
RPC query
exec sp_serveroption @server='myserver', @optname='rpc', @optvalue='true' exec sp_serveroption @server='myserver', @optname='rpc out', @optvalue='true'
10) Create a bat file in startup for auto disabling of proxy.(for gmail access)
@ECHO OFF REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" /v ProxyEnable /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
Note: The above proxy settings is not a permanent solution, the changes will be made in proxy settings of domain user automatically in particular interval.
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