Junkware Removal Tool for Windows Download

You can download the Junkware Removal Tool utility from the below link:
  • JUNKWARE REMOVAL TOOL DOWNLOAD LINK (This link will automatically download the Junkware Removal Tool utility on your computer)
  • Once Junkware Removal Tool has finished downloading, please double-click on the JRT.exe icon as seen below.
[Image: Junkware Removal Tool]

If Windows prompts you as to whether or not you wish to run Junkware Removal Tool, please allow it to run.
  • Junkware Removal Tool will now start, and at the Command Prompt, you’ll need to press any key to perform a scan for the Ad.Adserverplus hijacker.
Please be patient as this can take a while to complete (up to 10 minutes) depending on your system’s specifications.
  • When the scan Junkware Removal Tool will be completed, this utility will display a log with the malicious files and registry keys that were removed from your computer.
Download JRT Utility for Windows

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