Views / Comments of BPMS on the recommendations of 7th CPC


REF: BPMS / OFB / 7th CPC / 251 (8/2/M)
Dated: 01/12/2015
The DGOF & Chairman,
Ordnance Factory Board,
10 A, S K Bose Road,
Kolkata – 700001
Kind Attention : Shri S K Sinha, DDG/IR
Subject : Views / Comments of BPMS on the recommendations of 7th CPC
Reference : OFB letter No. 11/7th CPC/2015, Dated 27.11.2015
Respected Sir,
With due regards, it is submitted that this federation has gone through the recommendations of 7th CPC and found that the recommendations are very disappointing. It appears that the 7th CPC has not considered the genuine demands of the OFB in correct perspective. Hence, OFB is requested to examine the following matters related to the Cadres:-

1. Industrial Cadre :-

(i) BPMS has demanded that the Grade Pay of Skilled employees should be enhanced from Rs. 1900/- to Rs. 2400/-.
(ii) Further, Highly Skilled Gr-II in GP 2400/- and Highly Skilled in GP 2800/-should be merged in a single GP of Rs. 2800/-
(iii) Inter Grade ratio should be same in MOD, Railways & other ministries which is as under in Railways-
Skilled – 20%
Highly Skilled – 64% (HS-II 20%, HS-I 44%)
Master Craftsman – 16%
(iv) To retain the experienced employees in industrial cadre without financial hardships, it has been demanded that Master Craftsman may be promoted to MCM (Selection Grade) in the same GP of Junior Works Manager.

2. Supervisory Staff :-

(i) BPMS has demanded that the Grade Pay of Junior Works Manager should be upgraded from Rs. 4600/- to Rs. 4800/- so that after completion of 04 yrs regular service incumbents may be placed in the GP 5400/-.
(ii) Inter Grade ratio (Chargeman & JWM) should equal for Technical, Non-Technical & Store Cadre.

3. Clerical Cadre :-

(i) BPMS has demanded that the Grade Pay of LDC should be upgraded from Rs. 1900/- to Rs. 2400/- at par with Skilled.
(ii) BPMS has demanded that the Grade Pay of UDC should be upgraded from Rs. 2400/- to Rs. 2800/-.
(iii) BPMS has demanded that the benefit of Non Functional Upgradation to 30% UDC in Secretariat in GP 4200/- on completion of 05 yrs should be extended to the UDCs posted in the Subordinate Offices/Establishments.

4. Store Keeping Cadre :-

(i) BPMS has demanded that the Grade Pay of Store Keeper should be upgraded from Rs. 1900/- to Rs. 2400/- at par with Skilled / LDC.
(ii) BPMS has demanded that the Grade Pay of Supervisor should be upgraded from Rs. 2400/- to Rs. 2800/- at par with UDC / HS.

5. Stenographers Cadre :-

(i) BPMS has demanded that the Grade Pay of Stenographer should be upgraded from Rs. 2400/- to Rs. 2800/- at par with UDC / HS.
(ii) BPMS has demanded that the benefit of Non Functional Upgradation to 30% Steno GM!! in Secretariat in GP 4200/- on completion of 05 yrs should be extended to the Stenographers posted in the Non-Secretariat/Subordinate Offices/Establishments.

6. Fire Fighting Cadre :-

(i) Recommendations of 6th CPC on Fire Fighting Cadre have not been implemented in OFB at par with other Directorates of MOD. 07 CPC has recommended in Para 7.7.24 for drafting of Model Recruitment Rules for the Firefighting Staff of all Central Government Departments and UTs with similar designation and pay structure.

7. Motor Transport Cadre :-

(i) 07th CPC has stated in Para 7.7.16 that Ministry / Departments maycreate supervisory posts as Motor Transport Officer, Transport Supervisor, depending upon the Cadre strength and functional justification. Hence, OFB should create the post of Transport Officer & Motor Transport Officer.

8. Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) :-

(i) Contrary to the recommendations of 07th CPC mentioned in Para 7.7.37,BPMS demands that promotional quota should be enhanced from existing 5% and non-functional upgradation at promotional level should be granted to MTS.

9. Hospital Staff :-

(i) Laboratory Technicians :- As per 07th CPC recommendations, OFB/MOD should take appropriate action for aligning the Laboratory Staff in the line of cadre structure finalized by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.
The existing incumbents not possessing the revised qualification (BSc plus DMLT) may be granted the Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/- w.e.f. 01.01.2006 if they have completed 05 yrs regular service.
Considering their job requirement, the incumbents should be granted Conveyance Allowance for visiting Pathology Laboratory outside of the normal duty hours.
(ii) Radiographers :- The existing hierarchy of Radiographers in Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (as mentioned in Para 7.6.88 of 07th CPC) should also be implemented in OFB.
(iii) Pharmacist :- 07th CPC has mentioned in Para 7.6.102 that sufficient justification does not exist to upgrade the pay levels scales of Pharmacist.
Considering the proper justification annexed with this letter, the Entry Grade Pay of Pharmacist should be upgraded to Rs. 4200/-. The Existing hierarchy of Pharmacists in Ministry of Railways / Ministry of Health & Family Welfare should also be implemented in OFB.
(iv) Medical Assistant :- Dressers of Ministry of Railways are equivalent to Medical Assistant of OFB. 07th CPC has recommended (in Para 7.6.108) that entry level qualification of Dressers is Class XII with 03 yrs experience of dressing of wounds. Hence, a higher Grade Pay of Rs. 2000/- from Rs. 1800/- would be granted to the incumbents. It further states that the existing incumbents not possessing the revised qualification may be granted the replacement pay level for the time being but on completion of 05 yrs regular service in GP 1800, they may be granted the GP of Rs. 2000/-. This should also be implemented for Medical Assistant in OFB.
(v) Mid Wife :- The entry level qualification of Mid Wife is 10+2 or equivalent with Science and 02 yrs Auxiliary Nursing Mid Wife Course and must have working knowledge of computers as per SRO 88, dated 03.08.2005. The 05th CPC has recommended the pay scale of Rs. (4000-6000) but it has not been granted to the incumbents in OFB. Hence, the existing incumbents not possessing the revised qualification may be granted the Grade Pay of Rs. 2400/- w.e.f. 01.01.2006 if they have completed 05 yrs regular service.

10. Security Staff :-

(i) The existing hierarchy of Security Staff in Department of Atomic Energy (as mentioned in Para 11.2.18 of 07th CPC) or Security Staff in DRDO under Ministry of Defence (as mentioned in Para. 11.12.129 of 07th CPC) should also be implemented in OFB.

11. Rajbhasha Cadre :-

(i) The 07th CPC has mentioned in Para 11.22.126 that the incumbents of Rajbhasha Cadre has demanded for creation of new posts, merger and upgradation of existing posts and re-designation of various posts with upgraded pay scales but the Commission is not dealing with issues relating to cadre restructuring.
(ii) However, considering the stagnation in the Official Language Cadre in OFB, number of posts of Senior Hindi Translators and Assistant Director/Official Language / Hindi Officer should be equated to provide adequate promotional prospects to them.

12. EDP Staff :-

(i) Senior Data Entry Operators may be merged with Chargeman (Tech) and this cadre may be abolished.

13. Canteen Staff :-

(i) Though 07th CPC has not upgraded the Grade Pay of this cadre, however, OFB should prepare a Cadre Review so that Canteen Employees may be promoted and stagnation may be rmoved.
Further, comments/views on the general recommendations are being offered separately for kind consideration.
Thanking you.
Sincerely yours
General Secretary
Source: BPMS


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