Value date error for TDA Account in DOP Finacle

Value date must be more than the minimun value date error for TDA account in DOP Finacle

For TDA accounts( MIS, SCSS and TD accounts) when we close these accounts we generally face the error " Value date must be more than the minimum value date error " the error screen shot is attached below
The error while verifying at the supervisor is shown below

One can observe in the above screen the same error shown " For the said account was tried to close on 31/10/2015 but the closure value date is mentioned as 24-10-2015 in the screen shot"

Solution for the above problem

  1. The closure value date at the time of closing at the counter PA should be same as the current date.
  2. For Ex;- If you are trying to close the account on 31/10/2015 then enter the closure value date also as 31/10/2015.
  3. Then verify the closure in the supervisor it will work smoothly.
Source : PoFinacleGuide


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