Speed Net 4.3 Script Error and Solution
While executing the speed net update the below mentioned script will be displayed
Could not open table '"ECounter"."dbo"."EVPArticlesReceived"'from OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB'. The provider could not support a row lookup position. The provider indicates that conflicts occurred with other properties or requirements.
Re-run the script (EXL) file, POSPCC_COD_14082014.exl, which will be available in '\\SpeedNet\SpeedNet Client\DB Scripts' folder of the Client machine from which the SpeedNet 4.2 upgradation was attempted.Note: If you have upgraded SpeedNet Client from Server machine, then the DB Scripts will be available in '\\SpeedNet\SpeedNet Client\DB Scripts' folder of Server machine.
Error in creating message file 187 for COD Articles - Could not open table '"ECounter"."dbo"."EVPArticlesReceived"' from OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB'.
SQL 2005 Settings: Solution
The reported issue occurs due to some of the default settings not set for linked server concept, which is required to fetch data related to SP-COD articles.
Please do the following:
- Go to Providers option under Server Objects --> Linked Servers in the SQL Server Management Studio.
- Select the entry for 'SQLOLEDB' under Providers, right click and select 'Properties' option.
- Check the entry for 'AllowIn Process' option for the SQLOLEDB properties.
SQL 2000 : Solution
For SQL version 2000, please do the following:
- Open 'Enterprise Manager' and select 'Linked Servers' option under Security.
- Right-click on 'Linked Servers' option and select new linked server option.
- Select 'Other Data Sources' option under General tab.
- Select provider name as 'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server' and click on 'Provider options' button.
- Set the 'Allow InProcess' property to true, click on OK and exit enterprise manager.
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