Entry pay in the revised pay structure for direct recruits appointed on or after 01.01.2006 is RS 9910/-
Now let us add DA (Dearness Allowance) which is currently 119% of Basic Pay (From July 2015)
9910*107/100 = 11793
So DA is RS 11793/-
Total Pay (Basic Pay + DA) = 9910+11793 = RS 21703/-
Now HRA (House Rent Allowance) is to be added with BP which is different according to your city
For top metros (X Class) HRA is 30% of BP
For Middle class cities (Y Class) HRA is 20% of BP
For other cities (Z Class) HRA is 10% of BP
If you are posted in Mumbai Metro or other Metros, Your HRA will be RS 2973/- (ie. 9910*30/100)
Now let us calculate TA (Travelling Allowance)
If you are from A1 Category city your HRA is RS 3504/- (ie,1600+(1600*DA%))
Other wise it is 800+(800*DA%) = RS 1752/-
Gross salary
i. X Class City
9910+11793+2973+3504 = RS. 28180/-
ii.Y Class city
9910+11793+1982+1752 = RS 25467/-
iii. Z Class city
9910+11793+991+1752 = RS 24446/-
Courtesy :PALegacy
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