Passbook Printing Error and Solution in DOP Finacle

Name of the office or the customer address being printed wrongly in Passbook

Issue Reported : For.e.g It is reported by the counter PA at Srikakulam HO, the name of the PostOffice in the passbook front page is showing as SRIKALAHAS, ANDHRA PRADESH, INDIA, 532001. instead of SRIKAKULAM, ANDHRA PRADESH, INDIA, 532001.

Solution: Check the city code linked to the address of the Post office or the customer address. Then validate the city code description in the menu HRRCDM. Either the HRRCDM city code in the customer's address / Post office address has to be changed in the address details or the description of the particular code has to be changed in HRRCDM menu.
HRRCDM access is given to DOP Operations team to maintain the details.

Passbook not enabled at the account level 

Solution: The passbook is not enabled at the account level. The same has to be modified at the account level for passbook printing. 

  • For PPF account, the menu HACM has to be used for modification of the field A/C statement in the General Details tab. 
  • For SCSCC accounts, the menus CSCAM/SCSSMAV to be used 
  • For MIS accounts, the menus CMISAM/MISAMAV to be used


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