RD Issues in Finacle - FAQ

RD Finacle Issues and Solution

(i) RD Premature Closure when requested within 3 years

Counter PA should be careful while closing RD account. System will THROW EXCEPTION if the RD account is closed within the lock in period and if exception is accepted, it will allow premature closure. Therefore, Counter PA should not accept the EXCEPTION and should not proceed further. If EXCEPTION is accepted, Counter PA will be responsible for closure.

(ii) Death Closure of RD products

During closure of RD once the customer dies, the user will have to update Date of death in CIF after marking as "Deceased" and then invoke the menu CRDCAAC and select death closure as ‘Yes’ and then select whether PSS closure is applicable or not. Date of death will automatically be taken from CIF.

(iii) Is it possible to waive the default fee for defaulted RD accounts in Finacle?

Solution: No. Finacle will automatically calculate the default fee. It is not possible to waive the default fee.

(iv) Can RD accounts be extended?

Solution: Extension is automatic in Finacle on the day of maturity. On the day of maturity, during EOD, eligible RD accounts where 60 months intallments are deposited will be extended for a further period of 60 months. If any account is missed, it can also be extended manually using PRDCM menu

(v) Can the maturity date deferred

Solution: Customer has the liberty to have maximum of 4 defaults on the day of maturity. Maturity date can be deferred equivalent to the number of defaults using the menu PMDDRD(Maturity Date Deferment for Recurring Deposit). During the deferred period, defaults deposits can be paid without default fee.

(vi) In case if there are cases of default and rebate in account, cheque should be prepared for what amount.

Solution: In case if the monthly deposit is Rs.1000/- and there is a default of Rs.10/- (one month default) and the customer is to pay for 7 monthly deposits to get rebate of Rs.100/-. Total cheque amount should be
Total 7 months deposit – 7 x 1000 – Rs.7000
Default - Rs.10
Rebate - Rs.100
Total cheque amount - 7000+10-100=6910

(vii) Is it mandatory to open RD Loan account separately for taking half withdrawal

For Half Withdrawal, RD Loan accounts needs to be opened in Finacle. Corresponding RD account will be collateral for this RD Loan account. RD Loan account number will be the same RD account number but suffixed by “1”. If RD Loan Principal is outstanding during migration, RD Loan account will be created automatically.

(viii) Whether RD Loan account number will be created during migration if RD PRINCIPAL IF FULLY PAID and Interest is pending or partially paid

No. RD Loan account will not be created if the RD Loan Principal is fully paid. For RD Loan interest, LIEN will be marked for the corresponding RD account. Before closure, LIEN amount should be collected and LIEN to be removed by invoking the menu HALM.

(ix) Can the RD account be closed without closing the RD Loan Account?

No. RD accounts cannot be closed without closing the Loan account as this RD is marked as COLLATERAL for the RD Loan accounts.

(x) Can the RD account be transferred without transferring the RD Loan account?

solution -RD Account can be transferred only when loan account is closed.

(xi) What is the Procedure of RD account closure when RD Loan was taken?

Premature Closure
Invoke the RD Closure menu CRDCAAC from Operator Login. System will automatically deduct the RD Loan amount and interest will be calculated on SB Rate of interest as per rule. Loan interest will not be calculated. RD Loan account balance will become 0 but will not be closed. Loan account with Zero balance should be remained as it is and not closed. No need to invoke HLAUPAY or HPAYOFF for repaying the Loan amount.
On Maturity
RD Loan amount should be adjusted before closing the RD account. Invoke the menu HPAYOFF (Loan Pay Off Process) to pay the pending principal along with interest. Interest will be calculated at the prescribed rate. Total amount displayed to be collected from the customer. In case of transfer, select the repayment account of customer or office account from where the loan amount is adjusted. Supervisor need to verify the same. Invoke the menu HCAAC to close the RD Loan account and verify the same. Invoke the menu CRDAAC to close the RD Account.

(xii) Can the loan amount be less than 50% of sanctioned amount?

While opening Loan Account invoking menu CAOLARD, 50% of RD balance will be sanctioned. But the operator has the option to modify (reduce) the sanction amount but the amount should be in multiples of Rs.5/- but sanctioned amount cannot be increased. LARDD menu to be invoked to disburse the loan amount.

(xiii) Is it mandatory that RD Loan amount to be accompanied with RD monthly deposit?

No. As per existing rule, RD Loan cannot be made without depositing the monthly deposits. But, in CBS Post Offices, since RD Loan is separate account in Finacle, system will allow you to pay only the RD Loan amount without paying the monthly deposits.

(xiv) Will system allow Loan / Half withdrawal in extended period?

Yes. As per rule, only one Half withdrawal ie Loan is allowed in the entire life term of RD account ie 60 months if the account satisfies the eligibility conditions.

(xv) Why Default fee is displayed even after paying the current month deposit?

This is common complaint made by Post Offices. In Finacle there is no concept of “PAID FOR THE MONTH OF” like in Sanchay Post. From account open date to current month, number of months will be calculated and if the number of months paid is less than the number of months to be paid, then system will consider it as DEFAULT. In case if there are gaps in between ie intermittent gaps in sanchay post ie for eg - 3 intermittent defaults, Finacle will push all the deposits and last three months will be shown as default even though the current month deposit has been made. Therefore, ask the customer to pay first for the defaulted month.

(xvi) How Default fee is calculated in Finacle?

In Finacle Default fee will be calculated as per the new Default Fee structure as per recently modified rate ie 5 paisa for every 5 rupees and Re.1/- for Rs.100/- deposit instead of Rs.2/-

(xvii) Can the current month deposit be paid without paying the defaulted instalment or without paying the default fee?

No. Current month deposit cannot be paid without paying the defaulted instalment. Default fee also cannot be waived. Only in case of Maturity deferred cases, defaulted instalments can be paid without default fee in the deferred period.

(xviii) Error “A time stamp error occurred” during RD account closure?

This is happening due to Verification pending for some modification made in the respective account. Verify the account by invoking the menu CRDACM by supervisor and then proceed for closure.

(xix) Error “Parent record does not exist for the record 0000123456” during bulk posting by invoking the menu HAGTXP.

This happening due to following reason:-
When single cheque is given for multiple RD accounts,
  1. cheque number will be available in first record under the field “CHEQUE NO. FOR RD INSTALMENT” in HAGTXP menu.
  2. For all other accounts linked to this cheque, the cheque number will be available in the field “CHEQUE Remarks”
  3. Ready for Posting flag should not be removed for the record which has “Cheque No. for RD instalment” (a) If this record is removed, balance records will fail with above error.

(xx) Error “E4221 while closing Loan account?

The above error occurs when the balance is not zero for the loan account. This means that payoff has not been done for the account. Please complete the payoff process and then close the loan account

(xxi) Error P39 coming in RD loan account payoff done through cash receipt

This error will be thrown in offices migrated in the middle of the month. (ie on or after 2nd)
In case of Loan Disbursement or Loan Repayment, the value date will be automatically changed to 01st of the month as interest is calculated from the 1st of the month for loans. As Cash account of that office will not be available as on 1st (since the office has migrated in the middle of the month) this error is thrown in Supervisor while verification. This error will be thrown only in the month of migration and from 2nd month cash mode can be used for repayment or disbursement.
Workaround to overcome this error
“In case of Loan disbursement – Instead of Cash (even if it is below Rs.20,000) select Transfer and show RD Loan Disbursement office account (Account number ending with 323) and pay by cheque or cash from this office account. ( CTM menu is to be used for this )
In case of Loan repayment – Instead of repaying through cash accept loan repayment through Transfer. Transfer can be from RD Loan Repayment office Account (Account number ending with 323) or SB account of customer (if available) (CTM Menu to be used for this).

(xxii) Why RD SI executing after EOD of 15th?

While configuring standing instructions of SB to RD, option should be selected as (B) i.e. After change of Date. Otherwise, SI execution will happen after EOD of 15th.

(xxiii) How to execute RD Trial Closure:-

For invoking Trial Closure of RD account, user has to invoke CRDAAC menu. Select, trial closure and go to HPR to see amount to be paid after closure.

Customer should be told about the amount of interest and if he agrees, fill up amount in SB7A and get the signatures of customer on receipt portion. After that, actual closure should be invoked.

In case, SB7A is received from BO alongwith Passbook for sanction, amount of principle and interest should be entered on the Warrant of Payment Side under signatures of APM/SPM and a remark on the top of the SB7A should be written as "Sanction Valid till last working day of the month only". Other procedure as laid down in BO Procedure document should be followed

(xxv) Issue Reported : When the user tried to invoke HAGTXP menu in Modify mode, an error is displayed as“Invalid Agent Type and Scheme Code Combination”.

Solution : SAS type of Agents do not have access to post RD bulk posting. The Agent Type for that particular Agent ID needs to be modified as either PRS or MPB in HDSAMM menu. Post this modification, user will be able to do posting in HAGTXP menu. Appropriate Agent ID need to be modified as the commission structure differs for both.

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