CBS Solution - India Post Overview

Core Banking Solution (CBS) is a network of post offices, which enables customers to operate their accounts and avail account related services from any post office. It replaces the existing sanchay post. The difference between sanchay and CBS is very simple. Sanchay Post is a LAN (Local Area Network) based application. CBS on the other hand is a centralized application with internet base.

MPKBY agents canvas customers and procure RD business. At present agents are preparing bulk lists either manually or through RD Customer package provided by DOP.

As Finacle CBS is implemented in DOP, MPKBY/PRSS agents need to prepare bulk list through Web Portal by using the user name and password. Every MPKBY/PRSS agent will be provided with user name and password.

Once the agent logons to web portal, all the accounts linked to the particular agent will be displayed. Agents can select multiple accounts by clicking the check box. Search option is also available for selecting the account number with fetch option. Once the accounts are selected, system navigates to the next screen. After completion of the selection, the agent has to select SAVE. The saved accounts will be appeared on the screen.

In Cash Mode, if there is no rebate payment or partial default payment, the agent can click on “Pay all saved installments”.

If there are default installments, Default fee, if any, will be displayed against the particular account. Suppose if there are three months default, default fee for the 1st defaulted month alone will be displayed.

After selecting the accounts, we have to mention the no of total installments (to know default fee or rebate, click the option ‘get rebate & default fee’) and SAVE the same. After clicking on ‘pay all saved installments’, a reference number like C123 will be generated.

Agents can take required number of print outs from the “Reports” menu by entering the “Reference Number”. The file can be downloaded either as “PDF” or “XLS”also.

While adjusting to any changed new scenario, generally we feel nervous. It is quiet natural. At the same time we have to understand that change is inevitable. Our ancestors already proved that Wonders and impossible things are possible because of only two things. They are interest and changing of mindset.


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