Standing Instruction In DOP Finacle


Standing instruction in DOP Finacle can be given from SB account to RD account by using the menu 

  • HSSIM stands for Standing Instruction Maintenance.
Note that for giving the standing instructions from TDA accounts(SCSS,MIS and TD) accounts to SB accounts we should not use this menu.
  1. For giving the standing instructions for TDA accounts(SCSS,MIS and TD) accounts we have to go for account modification menu and enter the interest credit account as SB account number of the customer and submit and verify in the supervisor.
  2. For giving the standing instruction from SB to RD invoke the menu HSSIM and select the function as "ADD" then click on Go as shown

Then the system will ask to enter the following in the header details
  1. Select the Standing Instruction Type as "customer induced"
  2. Enter the CIF Id of the customer in the field CIF ID.
  3. Select the Standing Instruction Frequency as Monthly,date and Previous day as shown
  4. Select the field execution time as "B-after change of Date"
  5. Enter the filed Next execution date as "give the next execution date" as shown in the figure

Then click on instruction details then the system will ask to enter the following

Debit Entry

  1. Select the CCY filed as "INR"(Indian Rupee)
  2. Enter the account id of the customer "SB account number of the customer"
  3. Select the amt type field as "Fixed"
  4. Select Debit/Credit field as "Debit"
  5. Enter the amount field "as amount of RD amount" as shown

Then click on Add as shown then the system will ask to enter the following

Credit Entry

  1. Select the CCY filed as "INR"(Indian Rupee)
  2. Enter the account id of the customer "RD account number of the customer"
  3. Select the amt type field as "Fixed"
  4. Select Debit/Credit field as "Credit"
  5. Enter the amount field "as amount of RD amount" as shown

Then finally click on submit then the system will generate the standing instruction number as shown
Then note down the instruction number and verify the same in the supervisor.


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