VBDET(DataEntryTool.accdb) to MDE conversion

VBDET to MDE Conversion method

  1. Restore POST and SIGN Database in a back up machine.
  2. Install Access 2010 (Run “Access run time” exe).
  3. Install MDE converter (Note: Avoid using C:\ Drive for installation).
  4. Create a folder ‘MDEDB’in D or E drive. (D:\MDEDB)
  5. Create DB through DB Creation
  6. Perform up-gradation of DB(version 1.6) through upgrade DB
  7. Create User through User Operation
  8. Login as admin MDE with username ‘admin’ and password ‘admin’
  9. Create Persons through Person operation
  10. Map the user and person through User-Person mapping
  11. Click onto PO operation and update PO code as VBDET
  12. Set Default PO
  13. Copy the access database in a drive (Other than C:\) like D:\DB\DataEntryTool.accdb
  14. Run VB-DET bridge tool (refer below VBDET Bridge)
  15. Import data (NSS 87/SBDIS/Certificates) one by one
  16. VBDET to MDE Conversion completed now Note: Never use c:\ drive in any of the above steps
  17. Now uninstall MDE converter, Install latest version of MDE(1.8)
  18. Repeat the procedures given in the steps from 6 to 11
  19. Click on to PO operations and enter the Circle/Region/ Division/PO name
  20. Enter the Vendor ID as DOP and Click save
  21. Set default PO
  22. Click onto Reports module
  23. Enter the User/Person name & Password. Click onto reports
  24. Click ‘Generate DPT report’
  25. Report will be generated in the path MDE/reports
  26. Clear the discrepancies, if any.
  27. Run DPT 4.4 and clear the duplicates between MDE & Post, if any.

    VBDET Bridge Procedure:

    • Enter DataEntryTool.accdb folder path : Enter like D:\DB
    • After done the process of data import it may ask Folder path to save DT Utility.
    • Enter Which may you have like D:\DT_Utility
    • Enter Source Signature Path which contain Signature of NSC,KVP etc., 
    • Enter Target folder to store Signature on Image Target Folder.

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