CBS Finacle Migration Steps : Never Miss IT

Finacle Migration Steps

  • DM Pre-requisite is mandatory otherwise after the execution of SP All in one Tool DM Utility will not run.
  • MDE Should be upgrade and MDE DPT should be run.
  • System date should be Sachay Post day end date.
  • DBA+(DB Analyzer Consolidated report) should be run only after the execution of premigration tool.
  • Financial Year of NSS and PPF should be configure even there is no NSS and PPF accounts.

Migration Steps

1. Extract DM Prerequisite and COPY- paste the Contents(Not folder) of the folder to C Drive.
2. Execute RunDMpre.bat to run all prerequisite. at the end message come that "Intial setup of oracle completed.
3. Uninstall older version of MDE and install MDE 1.8 upgrade MDE > database operations > Upgrade MDE Login as MDE Admin.
Configure PO details by selecting office in dropdown box. check whether po details available in default po.
4. Run MDE DPT > MDE > Reports > MDE DPT
5. Run premigration Tool.
6. Run DBA + (DB Analyzer consolidated report) 
7. Run DPT
8. Clean All Discrepancies.
9. once again Run PreMigaration, DBA + and DPT.
10. Run Tools SP Adhaar Link, Sign Shrink.
11. Run DM Utility Tool > RunAll.bat

Thanks to Rajesh H

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