Dear all
Shri. Yaman Ranjeeth Kumar,
Circle System Admin,
Team (CPC),
There are two scenarios being reported by different circles where it
has been reported that TDS has been deducted from SCSS interest batch
ran on 30.6.2014. Following are the scenarios and the solution:-
1. Customer has given 15-G or 15-H after 1.4.2014 and it has been entered into Finacle. Despite of this TDS is deducted.
Solution:- It has been informed by Infosys that this issue was
rectified on 28.4.2014 through a patch. In those SCSS accounts where
15-G or 15-H was entered from 1.4.2014 to 28.4.2014, TDS might have been
deducted. In such cases, TDS has to be refunded from HRFTDS by
selecting from A/C ID as 0293 and to A/C ID customer's Savings Account
(if no savings account) to Postmaster Account 0340 and then pay by cash
from 0340. In case of cash payment, no report will be there. Amount
refunded either by cash or through savings account should be shown as
TDS refund and TDS deducted should not be shown in the TDS schedule.
For future interest credit, go to account modification menu, select
the respective SCSS account number and click Submit. This will change
the status to No-Tax.
2. Customer has given 15-G or 15-H but could not be entered into Finacle.
In such cases, refund has to be made as per above procedure and
status of account to No Tax is to be entered before 29.9.2014 so that
TDS may not be deducted in the next quarter. TDS of these accounts
should also not be entered in the TDS schedule.
(Kawal Jit Singh)
Assistant Director (SB-II)
Postal Directorate
New Delhi
Contact No. 011-23036224, 011-23096108
Mob:- 09899998054
Thanks to Shri. Yaman Ranjeeth Kumar,
Circle System Admin,
Team (CPC),
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