Followi ng are the step by stepinstruction for first log in to new mail box.
Step 1: Obtain your new password. The password has been sent through SMS to you. If you have not received Please call any one of the following number.
Mail id
Phone number-
011- 66076729;
Step 2: Visit
Step 3: Log in using your email ID and new password supplied to you.
Step 4: You will be prompted to change your default log-in password. You have to compulsorily change the password,
For the first time the user name should be entered as follows
Example if your user name is then the user name should be entered as follows
Step5: Your password must be at least 9 characters in length and have a combination of the following.
• English uppercase characters (A through Z).
• English lowercase characters (a through z).
• Base-10 digits (0 through 9).
• Special Characters (for example! $, #, %). Extended ASCII, symbolic, or linguistic characters.
Step 6: You are now ready to use your mail box with new email id and changed password.
If you have issues Pl send a mail to or call any one of the following number
Mail id
Phone number
011- 66076729 011-66076730 011-66076755 011-66076756
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